Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Aftermath Photo Gallery

"Little Boy", dropped on Hiroshima

Impact of "Little Boy"

"Fat Man", dropped on Nagasaki three days after "Little Boy"

Impact Caused by "Fat Man" in Nagasaki

Small Innocent Children

Shadows from Objects and people that have evaporated on the bomb's impact

“Leaving Mother’s Voice Behind Me as I Flee,”

Civilians fleeing Hiroshima

Survivors of the Atomic Bomb

Victims of the Atomic Bomb

Birth defects caused by the bomb

Caused by the devastation of the bomb
“Hell” Photo from an exhibit at the A-Bomb Peace Memorial Museum in HiroshimaT


  1. Makes me ashamed to be a human. Oppenheimer and Einstein had major regrets about using their smarts which allowed this to happen. If all the nuclear bombs were deployed today, not only would the earth cease to exist for anything living, it would literally be blown apart, its nickel core exposed, and all of its atmosphere and its water lost to space. Like I said, it makes me ashamed.

  2. the worlds gone mad the world leaders need to remember what happened in japan I'm English a yes the some of the Japanese were bad but they paid for it now people need too see what happen and never use a nuke again
